The Volcano Art Center is pleased to announce the return of art instruction specifically prepared for keiki through the Liko A’e Keiki Art Education Program.
The mission of Volcano Art Center’s keiki art education program is to inspire, encourage and develop young artists.
Classes in visual, literary and performing arts focus on cultivating youth to preserve Hawaii’s culture through art and to provide young people with accessible, affordable instruction and hands-on experiences in various art forms.
The program offers small classes dedicated to visual art instruction in hand-building with clay, drawing instruction, paper making and weaving, as well as an in-depth focus on performing arts with hula, ukulele and creative dance instruction.
Camp participants will experience focused art instructions in 50-minute classes with 10 minute breaks and a 35-minute lunch break/recess.
Parents/chaperones are expected to provide daily sack lunches (refrigeration is provided if needed) and a reusable water/drink bottle. VAC will provide snacks.
Upon registration, medical forms including any known allergies and emergency contact information will be requested.
The weeklong camp will culminate with a Hoʻike for parents and invited guests from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, July 1, at VACʻs Niaulani Campus.
The weeklong summer camp will be held at the campus from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on June 27 to July 1. The camp is open to keiki ages 7 to 13. The deadline to register is June 3.
Cost is $250 per child or $230 for members of VAC.
To register, visit