Special Olympics East Hawaii Golf will be holding its golf tournament on Sunday, Aug. 28, at Hilo Municipal Golf Course.
The format will be a four-man modified scramble, and each group will include a Special Olympics athlete. Entry fee is $150 per golfer. Special Olympians play for free. Entry deadline is Aug. 14.
Entry fee includes a round of golf, cart, lunch, and 19th-hole awards and prizes at the Fairway Grill.
Tee time is 7:40 a.m. All proceeds go to Special Olympics East Hawaii Golf Program.
“This year we have 16 athletes signed up,” said tournament organizer George Lewitzki. “They are eager to compete. The field is limited to the 64 players and teams are filling quickly.”
For more information, call Lewitzki at 961-4653 or 987-7394.
Registration is also available at Golf Treasures, 37C Lono St. in Hilo, or at www.info@golftreasures.net.