P.E.O. — or the Philanthropic Educational Organization — was founded in 1869 and is an international nonprofit organization with the motto “Women Helping Women Reach for the Stars.”
P.E.O. — or the Philanthropic Educational Organization — was founded in 1869 and is an international nonprofit organization with the motto “Women Helping Women Reach for the Stars.”
Members of P.E.O. enjoy opportunities for sisterhood, scholarship and service.
P.E.O. sponsors low-interest loans, grants and scholarships for qualified women based on need, exceptional scholastic achievement, and women returning to school complete their education.
The organization also owns and supports Cottey College, a fully-accredited nonsectarian college for women owned and supported by P.E.O. since 1927.
P.E.O.’s Hilo Chapter J is inviting any and all interested women to attend an informational meet-and-greet at 11 a.m. this Saturday at Onekahakaha Beach Park in Hilo. Anyone interested in learning more about the sisterhood is welcomed to attend.
For questions or for more information, call Diana Jones at (808) 969-1103.
P.E.O.’s website is www.peointernational.org.
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