Running with a purpose-Special Olympics holds annual Torch run

The cauldren is lit after the Special Olympics Troy Barboza Torch Run on Sunday. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Special Olympics Area Director Denise Lindsey prepare the olympic torch for the annual Troy Barboza Torch Run on Sunday. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Ezekiael Wong carries the torch Sunday at the Troy Barboza Torch Run. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Special Olympics athletes and law enforcement participants run down Palani Road Sunday for the Troy Barboza Torch Run. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Special Olympic Athlete Robbie Sanoria, right, hold the torch at the opening games on Sunday. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Officer Kui Dela Cruz holds the torch at the annual Troy Barboza Special Olympics Torch Run Sunday at Old Kona Airport Park. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Special Olympics athletes and law enforcement officers took part in the annual Troy Barboza Torch Run Sunday.