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The firings of Tucker Carlson at Fox and CNN’s Don Lemon are sending shock waves through the news landscape and could be a sign that both cable behemoths are realigning for 2024.

Carlson’s ouster came just days after Fox settled with Dominion on a defamation lawsuit but reportedly had more to do with a discrimination lawsuit against Carlson alleging misogyny and harassment filed by a Fox network producer.


While liberals cheered the firing of Carlson, with the New York Times calling him a “right-wing extremist,” angry conservatives on Monday accused Fox of abandoning their principles by getting rid of him.

Carlson was one of the most influential voices of conservatism in America, but he found out that even he wasn’t indispensable.

“I think it changes things permanently,” close Carlson friend Donald Trump, Jr. said, hyping the Fox host as “an actual thought leader in conservatism” and a “once-in-a-generation type talent.”

Fox’s Rupert Murdoch reportedly made the call himself to oust Carlson, concerned about the legal trouble he was causing his network, especially the discrimination lawsuit.

The abrupt departures of Lemon and Carlson may be a sign the networks are trying to shed their liabilities and reinvent themselves as cable TV ratings start to dwindle.

Fox may try to unload some of its perception as a right-wing extremist outlet, and CNN similarly is in the middle of a restructuring of its programs and mission, and is looking to be more centrist than just a Democratic Party voice.

The changes create an interesting dynamic for 2024. Democrats may not be able to count on CNN as the cheerleader and GOP attack dog and conservatives may not be able to count on Fox for being pro-Trump.

It’s not clear if Lemon’s ouster was related to his sexist comments about GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley or if it was just because the CNN morning show is a disaster.

But Fox is taking a big chance by getting rid of Carlson, who drew 3 million viewers a night and was their main powerhouse personality.

The number one network will struggle to keep its large viewership because Carlson was the network’s number one star and ratings-grabber. His departure blows a big hole in their prime-time schedule. Who will people now tune into, Greg Gutfeld?

Former President Donald Trump already appears to be abandoning Fox in the wake of Carlson’s departure, agreeing to appear on conservative rival Newsmax to talk about the events of the day.

But Fox and Carlson both needed each other. The former host won’t be able to replicate what he had at the network. At Fox, Carlson had the perfect storm of dynamics, audience and time slot.

He will soon find out that he’s not bigger than the brand, and likely will be banished to a podcast or maybe to ratings-challenged Newsmax in the coming months.

Just ask Megyn Kelly or Bill O’Reilly — two former stars who are now irrelevant – what it’s like to lose their platform at Fox.