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Mahalo for passage of council Bill 82

Mahalo to County Council member Matt Kaneal‘i-Kleinfelder for listening to the health and safety concerns of those living in subdivisions with substandard private roads and for introducing Bill 82.


Matt revised the initial bill to address the concerns of the other council members. The final version of Bill 82 was passed by the County Council. Mahalo to the council.

Mahalo to the mayor for his signature supporting Bill 82. There is now a way county funds can be requested to address health and safety concerns on subdivision roadways.

The county may not always meet the request, but now the request can be submitted.

Barbara Arthurs


Wishing for more attention for Kona

The whole world is exploding, but we need help in my favorite town, Kailua-Kona. Here is my wish list.

I wish that Kona could get an equal share of government workers and money from the state and county. I know most of the government folks are in Hilo, but please, can we get the same services to help our Kona folks?

I wish for a hospital so older people can stay here for the rest of their lives and to keep our family and friends safe. Healthy people are happier people. Heart problems need a top cardiac unit close by, but Kona has a hard time retaining our one overworked cardiologist. If you have a heart attack or a stroke here, you have to be airlifted. Hilo has a cardiac unit, Kona needs one.

I wish for the installation of 1 mile of sewer lines at Kahalu‘u Bay so that the sewage from 70-plus cesspools doesn’t wash into Kahalu‘u Bay at high tide and give people infections. Last year, I wished for money in the budget to hire someone to design the 1 mile of sewer lines, and that came true in June, but nothing has happened so far. Can we please clean up Kahalu‘u Bay, which is infecting surfers and swimmers?

I wish for more lifeguards for the Kona Aquatic Center, so this wonderful pool could be open on Saturdays and Sundays for families and so that the swimmers can have state swim meets.

I wish for a traffic light at Kaloko and the Mamalahoa Highway to protect my friends from accidents. It has been promised for 20-plus years. The dangers of driving in this area are an everyday problem for residents in Kaloko and those of us who live off of the Mamalahoa Highway. The pavement is old, cracked and sprouting with grass. It soon will need a mower. Paving is needed for Kaloko!

I wish for fixed bathrooms at Old Airport Park. It is one of the best places to watch a sunset or walk on the walking trail created 20-plus years ago by the community. There are no bathrooms that are working, only porta-potties. My last visit was met with a stench caused by a feces-covered toilet seat. Yuck!

Hilo has a cardiac unit at their hospital; we need a new hospital. Sewer lines are needed at Kahalu‘u, but money is going to fix the sewer plant in Hilo.

Lifeguards need to be paid more, and maybe bonuses would help. Hilo roads get paved way more than Kona roads, and traffic lights seem to be overabundant there.

There must be some way to fix the bathrooms at Old Airport to increase our enjoyment of this beautiful place.

I wish all of us in Kona to have equal time, attention and money spent on Hawaii Island’s west side. There should be equal amounts of service and improvements on both side of the island.

Let’s make it a happy and healthy new year!

Debbie Hecht
