Sides spar in case to decide whether Schweitzers deserve compensation

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Shawn, left, and Ian Schweitzer listen as Hawaii Innocence Project attorney William Harrison speaks Tuesday in Hilo Circuit Court.

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Keith Shigetomi, attorney for Shawn Schweitzer, makes a point Tuesday in Hilo Circuit Court.

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Judge Peter Kubota asks a question of the prosecution Tuesday in Hilo Circuit Court.

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Deputy Prosecutor Shannon Kagawa argues before Judge Peter Kubota Tuesday in Hilo Circuit Court.


A hearing Tuesday to determine if Albert “Ian” Schweitzer and his brother, Shawn Schweitzer — whose convictions for abducting, raping and killing Dana Ireland on Christmas Eve 1991 were vacated last year by a judge — are “actually innocent,” turned out to be a contentious affair.