Runoff in mayor’s race: Roth, Alameda to face off in November

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Mayor Mitch Roth smiles at his supporters Saturday night after the first results were released from the Hawaii County Primary Election.

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Kimo Alameda puts up double shakas as supporters clap for him Saturday during his election party at Nani Mau Gardens.

CORRECTIONS: The final tallies, which came out after the paper’s deadline were: Mitch Roth, 18,399 votes or 37.99%; Kimo Alameda, 13,419 votes or 27.56%; Breeani Kobayashi, 9,872 votes or 20.27%; and Jr. Tupa‘i, 5,868 votes or 12.05%. The other three candidates Yumi Kawano, Daniel Cunningham and Kavin Kahikina, received 458, 351 and 3.19 votes, respectively, all less than 1%.