Ongoing neglect at
Kawamoto pool
You don’t have to look very far to see some of the evidence. Along with the badly stained ceramic tile, the real neglect is with the plumbing. There hasn’t been any hot water showers for anyone since way before the pandemic!
Perhaps this is just a cost-saving benefit for the county, but considering the cooler-than-normal water temperature in the pool, that’s a long time to go without hotter water. The reality is, in the winter months you either take cold showers or, more than likely, you don’t take any.
Because this plumbing problem has been with us for so long, there is an ongoing effort to fix this hot water issue, but the money to pay for it is coming from private donations. Isn’t that amazing?
Some of the patrons who use this public facility are so desperate, they are even willing to donate their own money for something as basic as hot water! What is wrong with this picture?
Seeing as how our local county officials have managed to kick this maintenance can down the road once again, perhaps our new incoming Mayor Kimo Alameda would be willing to take an interest? You’d be more than welcome to drop by and have a look yourself, but unfortunately everyone has been locked out.
Something about a faulty pump. The phone message says “… closed until further notice.” That was a month ago.
Many of the regular patrons who depend on this pool have serious health issues. Even the people with disabilities like it, not just for the exercise, but for the sense of belonging it provides. They get to feel just as normal as everyone else. It seems anyone whoever spends time there, always gets some kind of health benefit.
So, why does the county continue to treat this beautiful facility as if it were a liability?
Reed Vallance
Trump story didn’t
belong on front page
The top headline, “He will destroy the DoD: How a Trump presidency could lead to a purge at the Pentagon,” for the Nov. 11 edition is not news. It is opinion about speculation.
Or in less fanciful words, it is a guess about a guess. That does not belong on the front page. There is a place in the paper for that; just not there. I expect information on the front page.
Now that the Tribune-Herald has demonstrated it will continue to disparage and attack Trump with innuendo and deception, readers can expect to see more of this supposition masquerading as news.
I wish that were not the case. I know where to get anti-Trump opinion. It shouldn’t be the front page of a small town local paper.
Charles Clark