12 arrested, charged in Puna warrants sweep

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Puna police officers arrested and charged 12 individuals wanted for a total of 17 outstanding warrants during a warrants sweep conducted Jan. 21 in Puna.

The nine men and three women were arrested for offenses ranging from contempt of court, failure to appear and violating terms of release.

Those arrested include: Keoki Onipaa Paasch, 31, of Pahoa; Jonovan Stanton Sojot, 39, of Pahoa; Kekoa Kohala Kawika Kahalewai-Ke, 29, of Pahoa; Kalannie Monique Ada, 29, of Pahoa; Jordan Estelle, 35, of Pahoa; Deatrayn Alvarez, 24, of Pahoa; Rose Uribes, 36, of Pahoa; Patrick Richardson, 41, of Pahoa; Linita Kapeli-Spencer, 33, of Pahoa; Kasey Bell, 39, of Pahoa; Bradley Nartatez, 31, of Keaau; and Arthur Mahoe, 57, of Keaau.

Police ask that anyone with any information relative to the whereabouts of other wanted fugitives call the department’s non-emergency line at (808) 935-3311.

Those who prefer anonymity may call Crime Stoppers at (808) 961-8300.