Mahalo to YWAM for community service
On behalf of the Kailua Village Business Improvement District, we extend our sincere appreciation to Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for their ongoing commitment to serving our community.
YWAM operates three campuses in Kona:
• YWAM Kona (main campus) — A global training and missions hub, students and staff focus on evangelism, community service, and global outreach.
• YWAM Ships Kona — Focuses on medical and humanitarian outreach using ships to remote locations.
• University of the Nations (UofN) Kona — Provides international training in missions, leadership, health care, media, education in unaccredited but structured training programs.
Before setting out on their global missions, YWAM students volunteer their time to improve historic Kailua Village, coordinated through University of Nations cultural adviser Leina‘ala Fruean.
Each Friday afternoon and some Saturdays, they volunteer to enhance safety and cleanliness in public spaces including: weeding medians along Henry Street, Kuakini Highway and Emma’s Square; sanitizing benches, signage and stair rails; removing shoreline debris from homeless encampments; collecting trash along the roadways and highways in the district; painting 50-plus fire hydrants, safety bollards and stair rails; and cleaning and painting over graffiti at Hale Halawai.
A typical showing on a Friday would have approximately 25 volunteers. Some Fridays there’s over 100. In addition to volunteering with the Kailua Village Business Improvement District, YWAM has also sent volunteer crews to Hale Halawai, Mokuaikaua Church and Hulihee Palace.
YWAM’s dedication not only improves historic Kailua Village but also instills pride and responsibility in its students. As they walk through the village, they see the impact of their volunteer work firsthand. Their willingness to give back before heading out on global missions reflects the true spirit of aloha.
A heartfelt mahalo to YWAM’s leadership and students for their continued partnership. It truly does take a village.
Ross Wilson Jr.
Executive director, Kailua Village Business Improvement District
Six famous figures visit Donald Trump
Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to the Oval Office was a disaster where Donald Trump supporters allegedly criticized Zelenskyy’s clothes and Trump gave him the infamous angry “card, no cards” lecture.
How would Trump lecture other famous people who visit?
Mother Theresa: You dress like you hang around poor people! Show some respect to the Oval Office. With me, you have charity! Without me, you have no charity!
Hitler: That moustache and accent gotta go. You call yourself a dictator? With me, you got Executive Orders, without me, no order!
Einstein: Your hair is great, but you just have to comb it more like mine! Without me, you got no relativity. With me, you got relativity!
Jesus: Put on some real shoes. And get a haircut, for God’s sake! Show some respect! With me, you have forgiveness, without me, no forgiveness.
George Washington: Get a better dentist! That’s not a smile for the Oval Office! Father of our country? Without me, not great! With me, great again!
Taylor Swift: You’re dressed like a slut! I’ll overlook it just this once! In fact, meet me later in the Bill Clinton room. Without me, you got no shakes, with me, we can really shake it off!
Leighton Loo
Mililani, Oahu