A bill that would place authority over the state’s airports in the hands of an airport corporation passed a state Senate committee Wednesday.
A bill that would place authority over the state’s airports in the hands of an airport corporation passed a state Senate committee Wednesday.
Senate Bill 2996, which would remove authority over the state’s commercial airports from the Department of Transportation and put it into the hands of a corporation operated by a board of nine governor-appointed members, passed the Senate Ways and Means Committee with a unanimous 11-0 vote.
The bill is intended to improve the efficiency of the state’s airport functions, with the corporation being able to approve construction projects more quickly than the DOT.
The bill now awaits a third reading and subsequent floor vote before the full Senate. If the vote is successful, it will move to the state House of Representatives.
Clearly, the Department of Transportation has failed the public but the reoccurring demo rat failure has and will continue under this demo rat scheme. The demo rats failed agenda has no accountability nor responsibility and lacks integerty thus this is just another costly demo rat recipe for failure in the making. Instead of addressing the collusion, corruption and incompetence that is inherent to the demo rat agenda they just add another beauracratic layer further harming the public.