Pahoa merchants struggle to make ends meet following lava disaster

HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald The business space where Roy’s Thai Food was is now for rent Tuesday in downtown Pahoa.

HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald Owner of Puna Gallery and Gift Emporium Amedeo Markoff and his wife, Althea Yabes, stand in their shop Tuesday in downtown Pahoa.


Nyle McQueen makes banana bread Tuesday at the Pahoa Village Museum in downtown Pahoa.

HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald Owner of Pahoa Used Books and Music Dean Kelley stands at the metaphysical section of his shop Tuesday at the Pahoa Village Museum in downtown Pahoa. The section once brought him business from woofers before the East Rift Zone eruption.

Nearly two months after the apparent pause in volcanic activity in lower Puna, Pahoa businesses are struggling to stay afloat.