For more than two decades, Patrick Kirch has explored the archaeological landscapes of Kahikinui and Kaupo in southeast Maui, seeking to reconstruct the lifeways
of the kuaaina kahiko who inhabited these vast dryland regions.
For more than two decades, Patrick Kirch has explored the archaeological landscapes of Kahikinui and Kaupo in southeast Maui, seeking to reconstruct the lifeways
of the kua‘aina kahiko who inhabited these vast dryland regions.
Among his discoveries are some 78 heiau, or temple sites, ranging from small coastal fishing shrines and agricultural fertility temples to the imposing war temples of Lo‘alo‘a and Popo‘iwi, where Maui king Kekaulike offered up human sacrifices.
Kirch collaborated with archaeo-astronomer Clive Ruggles in an effort to understand how heiau served not only as places of sacrifice and prayer, but also as locations where kahuna observed the heavens.
Kirch will share these insights into the function of heiau in ancient Hawaiian culture and society on two occasions next week as part of the Lyman Museum’s Patricia E. Saigo Public Program Series.
Presentations are slated for 7-8:30 p.m. Monday and 3-4:30 p.m. Tuesday at the museum located at 276 Haili St. in Hilo.
Admission is free for museum members, $3 for nonmembers. Seating is limited and on a first come, first served basis.
For more information, call 935-5021 or visit