Bikes and helmets
I am an avid bicyclist and rode motorcycles for many years when I was younger. I think parents ought to consider requiring their kids to wear bike helmets, but adults should be allowed to make their own choices while riding bikes and while riding motorcycles and scooters.
If they choose a dangerous habit, then let nature take its course and filter them out of the gene pool.
Certainly, there are arguments on both sides, at least about full-face motorcycle helmets, but the harm done to society is clearly greater when an uninsured biker is badly injured and survives, versus dies, as a result of their injuries.
So, if an adult wants to bike without a helmet and go to meet Jesus that much faster, I say Godspeed! From puffing on a Huffy to the Pearly Gates, what’s so bad about that?
Carl Oguss
Breakwater study
Instead of spending $100,000 just to study a breach in the Hilo breakwater in order to flush the contaminates into the Pacific Ocean faster (Tribune-Herald, Nov. 13), wouldn’t the money be better spent to keep the crap from getting into the bay in the first place?
Reducing the amount of waste from defective cesspools and septic tanks, homeless defecation, inappropriate liquids dumped down storm drains and the tons and tons of soil washed into the bay every time it rains would go a long way.
It would improve the quality of living instead of spreading the problem.
Ed Frey
Disregard for others
This letter is for those individuals who continue to set off those LOUD fireworks that swoosh — and then BANG! — in my neighborhood of Hawaiian Paradise Park, months before we expect them.
Enough already. Please wait until New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July.
I feel for the poor dogs and the loud “jump-out-of-your-seat” sound that surely would cause a heart attack for the elderly or anyone with a heart problem.
Please, use some sense and stop. They are illegal, so make a good impression for your kids!
J. Ingman
Hawaiian Paradise Park