Immaculate Heart of Mary Church recently honored its volunteer catechists, classroom aides and tireless supporters who assist the Religious Education Program and the High School Youth Ministry at a dinner at Restaurant Miwa. ADVERTISING Immaculate Heart of Mary Church recently
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church recently honored its volunteer catechists, classroom aides and tireless supporters who assist the Religious Education Program and the High School Youth Ministry at a dinner at Restaurant Miwa.
This program reaches children from kindergarten through grade 12, and provides opportunities to learn more about their Catholic faith.
Preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are incorporated into the Sunday sessions for keiki in grades K-5, and confirmation preparation is done in the Tuesday evening sessions for grades 6-12, along with opportunities for community service and “Youth Day” activities.
If interested in the program, call the church office at 964-1240 and leave your name and phone number and ages of your children.
There will be a delegation to the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress in March 2015. The catechists, parishioners and youths who plan to attend have been working on a host of fundraising activities to help defray the travel costs.
This annual Congress opens with Youth Day and boasts an attendance of more than 14,000 youth each year.
Following Youth Day, the congress has in excess of 40,000 attendees participating in general speaker sessions, workshops, liturgies, Mass of different cultures, displays from a multitude of countries and an arena of vendors for educational material and other religious supplies.