A better choice ADVERTISING A better choice Ane Keohokalole Highway Phase III should be the top transportation project for Hawaii County in North Kona. This segment will connect Hina Lani Street to Kaminani Drive, so we’ll be able to drive
A better choice
Ane Keohokalole Highway Phase III should be the top transportation project for Hawaii County in North Kona.
This segment will connect Hina Lani Street to Kaminani Drive, so we’ll be able to drive from Henry Street to Kona Palisades without having to use Mamalahoa or Queen Ka‘ahumanu highways.
This will help address chronic traffic circulation issues prevalent in this area.
Its frustrating to see the horrible traffic congestion on Highway 190, especially in the mornings and afternoon at the Hina Lani Street intersection. The intersection at Kaiminani Drive and Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway is another traffic congestion hot spot.
Both of these issues will be addressed if the county proceeds with Phase III of Ane Keohokalole Highway.
There has been some discussion about resurrecting the Alii Parkway project in light of the completion of the Alii Drive Extension (Mamalahoa Highway bypass) instead of proceeding with Ane Keohokalole Highway.
I strongly believe this would be a huge mistake.
Hawaii County has spent decades and untold millions of dollars to construct this road, with nothing to show for it. I highly doubt the lingering archaeological issues will ever be resolved, especially with the renewed focus on preserving sensitive Native Hawaiian archaeological sites.
The Hawaii Department of Transportation started preliminary planing to widen Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway Extension (from Henry Street) and Kuakini Highway past Kamehameha III Road, which should adequately address the ongoing congestion issues in this area.
I hope Mayor Harry Kim’s administration decides to proceed with Ane Keohokalole Highway Phase III instead of Alii Parkway. The latter project divided the community when the county tried to proceed about 13 years ago.
Ane Keohokalole Highway Phase III is a better choice for the community.
Aaron Stene