Ready to take your take your stained glass skills to the next level? ADVERTISING Ready to take your take your stained glass skills to the next level? “Stained Glass II: Panel Lamp Project” is being offered from 9 a.m.-noon June
Ready to take your take your stained glass skills to the next level?
“Stained Glass II: Panel Lamp Project” is being offered from 9 a.m.-noon June 24-25 and July 1-2 and 8-9 at Volcano Art Center. In the class, you will explore the design and construction of triangle-shaped table panel lamps. The techniques you’ll learn directly apply to other panel lamp shapes.
Instructor Claudia McCall will provide the patterns, although students are welcome to bring their own designs. Note that custom patterns will need to be adapted to three panels each measuring 4 1/4 by 9 inches.
Students will complete the six-session workshop with a finished table lamp and the knowledge and experience to continue working with stained glass.
Class fee is $150/$135 for VAC members plus a $15 supply fee. Students should have previous experience working with stained glass using the copper foil technique. Attendees are asked to wear long pants, snug fitting gloves, covered shoes and safety glasses.
The workshop will be limited to six adults. To register, call 967-8222 or visit